You should back up the database before attempting to repair it. The backup database error may be fixed automatically by reconnecting a missing hard drive. Before you start the wizard, verify that all the external hard drives that you use on your server are connected to the server, turned on, and functioning properly. In some cases, the wizard cannot repair the entire backup database. The wizard examines your backup database for the selected computer and attempts to repair the database if errors are detected. The wizard may take several hours to finish. The notification includes a Repair button, which starts the Repair the Backup Database Wizard.
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On the Windows Server Essentials Dashboard, click the alert status icon to see the backup database error notification. If Windows Server Essentials detects errors in your backup database, it sends you a health notification, and the alert status changes to red, which indicates a critical condition. Restore files or folders from a client computer backup Tips to help prevent data loss due to corruption of the client backup database Stop a backup in progress from the Launchpad View alerts in the task bar on a client computer How the Repair the Backup Database Wizard worksĬhange the time that backup is scheduled to runĬhange the computer backup retention policy This topic includes information about common backup tasks for client computers that you can accomplish by using the Windows Server Essentials Dashboard, and includes the following sections: Applies To: Windows Server 2016 Essentials, Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials, Windows Server 2012 Essentials